Thunderstorms and Lightning - HURRAH! (Bisceglie, Italy)

Well, our day was a bust, we spent most of the day riding speedily away from the rain clouds. We arrived home incredibly tired and took a very long nap - 2 hours in fact.
We woke up later in the evening to the most fantastic sunset and amazing display of thunderstorms. It was absolutely indescribable. It was the most awesome display of nature's power in action. All afternoon the clouds that we had been riding away from had finally caught up to us in our town and it was a scene out of a Hollywood movie, but so much better. It was a spectacular show of lightning after lightning in the sky above the Adriatic Sea. We tried to capture the display with our Canon instant digital camera. But this type of action was no match for an instant camera. An SLR camera will now be added to my list of things to buy in the future when I have disposable income to dispose of ......:-))))
Maybe the trip to Gargano was worth it in the end. I didn't resent the rain clouds so much anymore after that.
Life is beautiful.


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